What are the types of computer

What are the types of computer

What are the types of computer

(a) On the Basis of Objects – Following are the types of computer –

1. Ordinary or General Purpose Computer These computers are used by ordinary persons for different objects. Data can be stored in large quantity. Most of business organisations use ordinary computers. These are used in banking functions, pay-roll, insurance functions etc. General-purpose computers are versatile and process business data as readily as they process complex mathematical formulas. They can store large amounts of data and the programs necessary to process them.

2. Special Purpose Computer- These are asked for specific functions. These computers are used in computer games, aircraft control, graphic control etc. These are popular in metrology, film editing, medical etc. Special purpose computers incorporate many features of general purpose computers but support highly specialized data processing tasks. They are designed to handle specific programs and are not applied to other computerized activities.

(b) On the Basis of Working – Following are the types of computer on the basis of working –

1. Analog Computers- Analog computers represent numbers by a physical quantity such as length, voltage etc. All analog computers derive their data from some form of measurements. Whereas digital computers represent data as numbers or separate units unlike the analog computer, which is limited to the accuracy of the measurements made, the digital computers can accurately represent data using as many positions and numbers as necessary. Ex. Thermometer, Voltmeter, Watches etc.

2. Hybrid Computers – Hybrid computers combine the best features of analog and digital computers. They have the speed of analog computers and the accuracy of digital computers.

3. Digital Computers- These computers takes data in numeric form and gives output in numeric form. These are used for comparison and good presentation.

(c) On the Basis of Capacity – These are as follows –

1. Micro Computer- These computers are of small size. These are also known as personal computer or desktop computer, Microprocessor is used in it. These are used for ordinary and specific purposes. Following types of micro computers are available in the market –

(i) Desktop Computers

(ii) Laptop / notebook computers

(iii) Network computers

(iv) Plam top computers.

2. Work Station- These are such type of computers which have processing efficiency like mini computers. These are single user system. These are used by professionals e.g. graphic artist, scientist, engineer etc.

3. Mini Computer- These computers have more speed. Many users can use it simultaneously. Ex. IBM6000, CDC 436.

4. Main Frame Computer – These computer are very powerful. They have large storage power. Different input output devices can be used with it. Ex. IBM 9000, IBM 4300,IBM ES-2

5. Super Computer- These computers are used to solve complicated problems. A super computer has many C.P.Us. These are used in aircraft manufacturing, atomic sector etc. They have more storing power and highest processing speed. Many processors are used in a single computer. Ex.PARAM,SX-3R, HITACS.

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